Friday, September 3, 2010

Well-writen Article

The article that I chose was from the NY Times. It talks about the number of homicides occurring in Venezuela. I think it is a well-written article because it starts with a provocative statement, which hooks the reader. Also, in the second paragraph the article answers the questions who, what, when, where, and why right after the catchy statement.

This article also gives the reader details of the problem occurred in Venezuela. It includes quotes from people that the reporter interviewed. He writes in the third person. And I feel that he is objective. He never states his opinion.

On the last paragraph the reporter ends with a very shocking quote, “We elected him to crack down on the problems we face, but there’s no control of criminals on the street, no control of anything.” This quote makes a perfect ending of the article because, in a way, it summarizes what the writer reported.

The link to this article is:

1 comment:

  1. After reading again this article, I still stay on the same page. I still think that it is a well-writen article. What really grabbed me was the very first sentence: "Some here joke that they might be safer if they lived in Baghdad. The numbers bear them out." As soon as a read that I wanted to know more about it. I liked how the reporter used statistics to show her point.
    If you guys have a chance please read it. It is very interesting.
    Enjoy it!
